Woven Wood Window Treatments
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Woven Woods seem to be on everyone’s “trendy” list but if you take a closer look, this window shade has a lot more to offer than what you may have heard. In fact, if you’re looking for a window treatment that’s “fashionable”, distinctive and that can blend with almost any decor and almost any type of window, Woven Wood Shades just may be your answer.Some people refer to them as “blinds” but technically they fall into the “shade” category. But in any case, if you’re not familiar with them, Woven Woods are shades that are made from “natural” materials, as opposed to synthetic (or man-made). We’re talking about bamboo, rattan, reeds, jutes, grasses, and natural woods and often times a combination of several materials.
Years ago, Woven Woods conjured up images of tiki-huts on some far away tropical island. While that type of imagery still can be true, today the choice of materials is almost endless, allowing you to create just about any type of ambiance you’d like. As a result, these shades are just as likely to represent “contemporary elegance”, allowing you to, “bring the outdoors, in”. The quality of materials and workmanship that are woven can lend a touch of class to any room. (Providing of course that the shades are made by a manufacturer that produces those type of quality products!)
The characteristics of the material chosen will determine the amount of light and privacy that enters the room. So, it’s very important to see a sample of the actual material that you’re considering. Hold it up against the window and that will give you a good idea of what you can expect with the finished shade.
Another great thing about Woven Woods is that they have a “classic” look, so they can go on just about any type of window. In the video at the top, you’ll see just a few examples of where these shades can be used. These can even be made for sliding glass doors. So if you’re tired of the “vertical blind” look, you may want to consider these.
I’ve been recommending and installing Woven Woods for years, for all of the above reasons. The video provides a very small sampling of the types of materials available and how these shades can be used.
So, if you’re looking for some new ideas for window treatments, consider the possibilities that woven window treatments are able to provide. You won’t be disappointed.
If you’d like some ideas for window treatments for your home or office, call Bellagio Window Fashions or contact me by email.